DSC450 (UofR)

DSC 450 : Data Science Practicum



Years :   2016
Session A :   MEL 224 ,  T   16:50 - 18:05
Session B :   MEL 224 ,  Th   16:50 - 18:05
Prerequisites :    
Environment :   CIRC GPU Cluster (Bluehive), Python, SQLite
Description :  

Students are expected to work on a real data analytics project and produce useful results from actual real-life data.


Session A is for groups that are interested working on medical data. A 2TB database that contains 24-hour ECG recordings is used to identify cardiac disease patterns. The groups in this session will present their findings to a medical doctor and researchers in the medical data analytics field.


Session B is for groups that are interested working on generic data. Through our partnership with a local company, the students will be given a large database and will analyze patterns in data that could lead to certain indicators. An example is the correlation between phone calls to disconnected numbers vs. economic status of a city.

Workload :   Weekly presentations of project progress.